Los Angeles & New York
333 7thAvenue f, Suite 1102
New York, NY 10001
One on one Character creation online sessions with Erin. You will learn acting techniques you can use anytime to create fresh and unique characters.
For any body.
A sample of original characters all ages created by Erin.
Death Stranding, Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate, Final Fantasy XIV, League of Legends, The Talos Principle, Tekken 6, World of Warcraft: Warlords or Dranaei, Adventure Time, Dragon’s Crown, Destroy All Humans, Catherine, and Skullgirls.
Erin’s work on Ed, Edd ‘n Eddy, Monster High, Ever After High, We Bare Bears, Fat Dog Mendoza, Wild Grinders, Miraculous Ladybug, and Jungle Bunch.
Persona 4 Golden, Xenoblade Chronicles X, BlazBlue: ChronoPhantasm, Conception II, Fire Emblem Awakening, DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc & Ultra Despair Girls, Hyperdimension Neptunia, Bravely Default, Tales of the Abyss, Dragon’s Crown, Final Fantasy XIII, Tales of Xilia, Guilty Gear Xrd, Eternal Sonata, Zero Escape: Virtue’s Last Reward, Dynasty Warriors 8, Cross Edge, .hack//G.U., Catherine, and FFXIV.
Fun characters that Erin played throughout the Multi Emmy award winning series “Ask The Storybots”
Erin Fitzgerald (She/They) was born in Victoria, British Columbia. Her father, Dan Fitzgerald, being a Commander in the Canadian Navy meant she ended up living all over Canada by the time she was 16. Her mother, Dawn Fitzgerald, was an RN who worked in psychiatrics and helped many people. In other words, Erin is a helping “Ms. Bossypants” who loves poutine… NAILED IT!
Erin started exploring characters and acting as early as 3 years old, when she would perform for her best friend next door , Mrs. Proudfoot, who was 90 years old at the time. Erin would perform entire films that she had seen on Sunday evening television for Mrs. P., who would sit patiently through each production with tea and cookies as though riveted! What a nice lady…
This only encouraged Erin to pursue performance everywhere she could, studying drama and theater in the smallest, most humble of towns in Canada with whomever would give her the chance. She also studied dance with equal passion and was a competitive diver in Nepean, Ontario for a while as well.
While she attended the University of Victoria studying acting specialization with the Phoenix Theaters, she developed a passion for theater history (thanks to Barry Yzereef), sketch comedy (thanks to Tony Binns), and movement (thanks to KAZ). Theater was her passion with her back-up being stage management if it turned out she couldn’t book work outside of school.
Once she graduated, she moved to the “Big City” of Vancouver, where she joined a small theater group who did radio plays (… hmmmm foreshadowing… ) and began her television and film career. There was a strange period of time where Erin booked a lot of beer commercials, which is funny because she can’t stand the taste of beer!
After a few years doing bit parts in TV and film, she learned it wasn’t as satisfying as theater with all the waiting around and no real collaboration on performance unless it was a bigger role. Luckily, her roommate, Tobias, invited her to a loop group session for Outer Limits where she met her people! The actors there, who are now referred to as “voice actors”, opened her to a whole new world of improvisation for the background of TV and film, where she could be as many characters as she wanted and create her own dialogue, working in looping in Vancouver for 6 years.
During that process, her good friends, Michael Dobson and Brian Dobson, literally launched her into a whole new world of acting… CARTOONS!!!! Her first animation job ended up being mighty epic: after a 6 month callback process, she landed the role of May Kanker on a new show called Ed, Edd n Eddy, which aired on this strange little channel in the U.S. called Cartoon Network.
From there, Erin booked cartoons like Sabrina, The Animated Series, Fat Dog Mendoza, Dragon Tales, Rainbow Fish, and many more. Then, at the height of her career in Vancouver… she met a man who would change her life forever. This would be the man that she would fall in love with, and when he decided to move to Los Angeles, he did everything he could to convince her to come with him to the United States, and so, she did.
Moving to L.A. at the peak of one’s career for one’s career makes perfect sense. Erin, however, did not do that, instead walking away from it all because she was embarrassed to call herself an actor in L.A.
Luckily, the Universe, seeing the ridiculousness of this terrible mindset and thinking, intervened and pushed her out of her fearful place of hiding and thrust her right back into the spotlight again and again. It was through some of these amazing “coincidences” that she even has a career today. She never felt “good enough” to compete with the talent in L.A., but with time and the courage to “just show up”, not to mention with the help of amazing humans like Margaret Tang, Andrea Romano, and Sue Blu (who probably don’t even remember), she would combine her experiences and newfound confidence to push forward beyond her comfort zone and into “Life” where the Universe had been waiting for her.
Today, Erin performs for cartoons, video games, anime and stage in Los Angeles, California. Being a professional actor since 1995, it still amazes her that she pays her rent from acting because not everybody does or is able to do so, and there are still months where she doesn’t think she will!! She landed the job of her dreams working on the 27x Emmy nominated and 7x Emmy winning Storybots ip on Netflix. In 2023 Erin herself, was nominated for an Emmy for all the characters she played on Netflix’s Storybots: Answer Time.
Her life expanded with a new passion when good friends Stacey Aswad and Chuck Duran of VO Buzz Weekly fame, convinced her to get into private coaching. Now Erin works with actors at any level of experience on creating characters that inspire them to fall in love with the craft of acting on deeper and deeper levels.
Erin continues her passion for Theater acting with her one woman show “The Woman of Oz“. She and her co-creator/producer David Koff are touring with it as you read this. Be sure to follow her on social media to see if she is coming to a town near you.
If Erin had a mission statement, it would be the following:
“I dedicate my life to creating characters I love, with people I love, for an audience to love, and to help anyone I love achieve their creative dreams by supporting them in anyway I can.”
March 21 -14th 2025: ISEKAI ANIME CON in Utah, https://isekaianimecon.com
April 9,11,13,14 2025: “Wonderful Woman of OZ” Fertile Ground Festival Portland, https://fertilegroundpdx.org
May 18, 2025: Spinny Brand Gifted and Disabled Market Arlington TX, https://spinnybrand.co/ (cast of Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Sept 19-21: Ultracon West Palm Beach FL https://ultraconofsouthflorida.com/ (EEnE cast)
Oct 21st -Nov 2: Spooky Empire con Orlando FL https://spookyempire.com/ (Cast of Monster High)
After years of being asked “How do I get into voice acting?” Erin decided to sit down and write out their full response. It ended up being an entire e-book. Then they thought, “I can’t release an e-book without also creating an audiobook…I mean I AM a voice actor after all.”
And then they thought, “I have so many incredibly wise friends that could share their wisdom on this industry!” So she decided to sit her friends down for long conversations filled with real insight into this industry and artform. Focusing mainly on the craft of acting.
All of these are available to you now.
Erin’s online character classes are for everyone at every level of experience but she specializes in working with beginner, neurodivergent and outside of the box actors. In a one hour online session, actors can expect to learn proper breathing and vocal warm-up techniques, create 3-5 fresh new characters and go over professional voice over audition copy for cartoons and video games.
“There are voice acting coaches and then there is Erin Fitzgerald. She’s a powerhouse voice talent, who effectively communicates and guides actors through the how-to’s of creating interesting and memorable characters. Erin’s unique teaching approach connects both the mind and body from breathing techniques, to accent and dialect work, to making solid acting choices. Most of all, she’s honest, direct, encouraging, passionate, supportive, genuine, kind, relatable, and so much fun! Bottom line, when you coach with Erin you not only grow as an actor, you become a better version of yourself too.” – STACEY ASWAD of VO Buzz Weekly
Anyone who knows me knows I have this tattoo on my left shoulder. It is the HU. An ancient name for the Divine Creator found in almost every religion, all over the planet. I am an ECKist, which is someone who is a member of ECKANKAR, but you don’t have to belong to a particular religion to sing the HU. I have been singing it in contemplation or throughout the day for the last 20 years. For me, it opens my heart to give and receive more Divine Love in my every day life.
The best description I have ever seen for it comes from a book called The Seeker by Phil Morimitsu. It reads: “Herein lies the sacredness of ITS name. If you cared deeply for another would you utter the words I love you in a monotonous, chanting manner as is done in many of the gompas? No? Then so it is with singing HU. HU is a love song to the ONE who encompasses all that you love, have ever loved, or will ever love in life. HU is a love song to the Creator of love itself.”
The video is 20 minutes of Thousands of people singing HU together. If you are moved to join them, do.